Open voorstel Capgemini


Full Time

Gepubliceerd op 01-01-1970

Open voorstel bij Capgemini

Do you want to be reactive to what’s happening? Or relevant for tomorrow?

Capgemini is the strategic partner who will help you ask the tough questions – and find the right answers – by harnessing the power of technology. We apply a breadth of expertise to address the full range of business needs across four areas: Strategy and transformation, applications and technology, engineering, and operations.


We focus on helping drive value in three key areas: customer experience, intelligent industry, and enterprise management. As we do this, we help our clients embrace key technologies such as cloud, data, and artificial intelligence, and also work to improve their cybersecurity and environmental impact.

Thanks to deep, sector-specific expertise, we are able to develop solutions that are aligned to our clients’ unique challenges and can help them meet their specific objectives.

Elles van Teylingen
Elles van Teylingen

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Open voorstel Capgemini